So...last year, my friends had this wild idea that we should all participate in the DFW Mud Run to raise money for MS. I'm not a huge fan of running and I really don't like to be wet or muddy. So...this is definitely not my style. But, after a couple of margaritas they convinced me to do it. So...last year was my first attempt at the Mud Run and while I was doing it, I thought it was absolutely horrible and I thought I was going to die on more than one occasion. But...I survived it and when I was finished, I felt like I had really accomplished something. So...when it got brought up again this year, I was a little more willing. So...on April 9 Jen, Caleb, Blake, Ranea, Jesse and me all got up and got muddy. It is a 10k course with around 30 different obstacles in the mud, of course. They added a few new obstacles this year. We had to literally swim the width of the Trinity River and then crawl on our hands & knees through this muddy swamp. While we were in the swamp a lady screamed that a snake was in the water (ugh!!!). We scaled this big cargo net and did a plunge into a 7 foot mud hole. So...needless to say, by the end we were all pretty muddy!! But...I must say, this year was WAY better than last year. I ran most of the course and finished in 2:04. I think that is about 30-45 minutes faster than I finished last year. I felt so much stronger on the obstacles too! And...I beat Jesse!! That's my favorite accomplishment, I was ahead of him almost the whole race! Woo Hoo!! I finished #191 out of 710 women. And #568 out of 1,375 overall.

Caleb, Blake, Jesse, Jen, Me, Ranea...Pre-Race
Jesse (blue shirt) and me (purple shirt) mid-race...on the low crawl
These came from the website so they're hard to see but you can tell it's nasty!